-Estimated Achievement Difficulty: 7/10
-Offline: 10 (160G)
-Online: 2 (40G)
-Appropriate amount of time for 200: 6-8 Hours
-Minimum amount of playthroughs needed: 1
-Number of missable achievements: None
-Glitched Achievements: None
-Do cheat codes disable achievements?: No
N+ is a fiendishly addictive game where the aim is to collect gold coins in a series of stages, which get progressively harder. It will require some hard work and dedication to get the 200, but if you put in the time, you shouldn't go out of the way. You'll be having fun all the while!
1. First off, your going to want to do the tutorial level. Not only will it teach you how to play, but once you finish one of the tutorial episodes, you will obtain Disciple (5G).Make sure you get the info in your head, your going to need it.
2. Now you can start your journey. An episode consists of 5 levels (00-04 respectively). The first episode is Episode 00. This episode is relatively easy, and the only way to actually be killed is if your clumsy. Within the first episode, because it is the easiest, try not to die. If you succeed in not dying throughout the entire episode you will obtain Perfectionist (20G).
3. In the next couple of episode's, you should be rapidly getting better. Head back to one of the earlier episode's and collect all the gold pieces in all 5 levels of any of the early episodes. If you do this, you will obtain Treasure Hunter (20G). 4.
5. There's nothing else to do but to continue on with the game. You need to complete Episode 29 to obtain Complete 30 Episodes (15G). You will come to your next insanely hard level, Paper Thin Walls in Episode 24 Level 4. Again, refer to here: https://www.xboxachievements.com/f...ad.php?t=72493
6. Again, you can't do anything but continue the game. Once you beat Episode 39, you will obtain Complete 40 Episodes (20G). Some levels to watch out for are Episode 35 level 00, Episode 26 level 02,
7. 10 more Episode's until you finish the game!! Hopefully you know how to play this game and are relatively good, because your going to need all the skill you can get for these last 10 Episode's. There are around 3 Episode's to watch out for: Episode 42 level 04, Episode 48 level 04 and Episode 49 level 03. The latter is easily the hardest, and require a copious amount of skill. Luckily, the last level is not actually hard, it's more a race against time. Once complete, you will obtain Complete All 50 Episodes (25G). 8.
9. Now to the online! You can easily have a boosting partner for this, but it needs to be done online, not on the same 360. Head into the multiplayer, and do the "Race" gametype. This consists of racing your fellows ninja's to the exit, however when you die you do respawn. You need to win 10 of these matches. However, these need to be ranked matches. If you can't find someone online, then use a boosting partner, or post in this thread:
Once 10 of these races are won, you will earn Speed Demon (20G). 10:
11: But wait, a second, you just realised i missed out on 15G didn't you. Ahh, this is the achievement that you will not miss, no matter what you do, and it comes with playing. It takes no effort at all. Basically, die 1000 times to obtain the achievement Practice Makes Perfect (15G). Hell, you will probably get this before you even get halfway through the game.
There are two threads you will need:
https://www.xboxachievements.com/f...ad.php?t=42553 <<<This is the achievement trading thread. if you need help with the co-op achievements, post in here.
https://www.xboxachievements.com/f...ad.php?t=72493 <<<This is the N+ guide to all levels (made by me). If your level is not on there, then post the level you are stuck on, and i will replay it and come up with the best solution.
The last thing is the replay. If you are ever stuck on a level and need a quick idea of what to do, head over to the leaderboards. Find your Episode. The top players all have replay's of how they passed it and it could be of great help to you.