Michiaki Yamasaki Age 2015 (2025)

1. Metallurgical Materials Design Laboratory, Kumamoto University

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2. a hierarchical phase transformation in a novel Mg alloy | Scientific Reports

  • The Mg-Y-Zn ternary alloy system contains a series of novel structures known as long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structures.

  • The Mg-Y-Zn ternary alloy system contains a series of novel structures known as long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structures. The formation process and its key concept from a viewpoint of phase transition are not yet clear. The current study reveals that the phase transformation process is not a traditional spinodal decomposition or structural transformation but, rather a novel hierarchical phase transformation. In this transformation, clustering occurs first and the spatial rearrangement of the clusters induce a secondary phase transformation that eventually lead to two-dimensional ordering of the clusters. The formation process was examined using in situ synchrotron radiation small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Rapid quenching from liquid alloy into thin ribbons yielded strongly supersaturated amorphous samples. The samples were heated at a constant rate of 10 K/min. and the scattering patterns were acquired. The SAXS analysis indicated that small clusters grew to sizes of 0.2 nm after they crystallized. The clusters distributed randomly in space grew and eventually transformed into a microstructure with two well-defined cluster-cluster distances, one for the segregation periodicity of LPSO and the other for the in-plane ordering in segregated layer. This transformation into the LPSO structure concomitantly introduces the periodical stacking fault required for the 18R structures.

3. Aging Characteristics and High Temperature Tensile Properties of ...

4. Prognosis of patients with adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma in Japan

  • Oct 21, 2020 · Adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) is a mature T‐cell neoplasm and is classified into four subtypes (acute, lymphoma, chronic, ...

  • Adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) is a mature T‐cell neoplasm and is classified into four subtypes (acute, lymphoma, chronic, and smoldering) according to the Shimoyama classification, established in 1991 through several nationwide surveys based ...

5. Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass and Insulin Resistance in an Elderly ...

  • Increasing evidence supports an association between age-related loss of muscle mass and insulin resistance. ... Yamazaki, Masahide Hamaguchi, Michiaki Fukui

6. [PDF] Survey of preoperative management protocol for perihilar cholangio

  • cases, such as with old age and multiple comorbidities. The median ... 2015;22:249–73. 14. Hirano S, Tanaka E, Tsuchikawa T, Matsumoto J, Kawakami.

7. Articles | Surgical Case Reports - SpringerOpen

  • Lipoblastoma, a relatively rare benign adipose neoplasm, predominantly affects children younger than 3 years of age. ... Michiaki Unno. Citation: Surgical ...

    See Also
    Pepe Serna 4

  • The Surgical Case Reports is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand. It is an official journal of the Japan Surgical ...

8. [PDF] Surprising increase in yield stress of Mg single crystal using long-period ...

  • Koji Hagiharaa,∗, Ryohei Ueyamaa, Michiaki Yamasakib, Yoshihito Kawamurab, ... age. Compression tests were performed at a nominal strain rate of. 1.67 × 10 ...

9. Publications | Kinetic Plate Imager - Hamamatsu Photonics

  • ... age-related hearing loss, Redox Biol. 2020 Feb; 30: 101434. Marta Sanchez-Soto ... Epub 2015 Sep 12. Tomohiko Sekioka, Michiaki Kadode, Masanori Fujii ...

  • High speed, kinetic plate imager for fluorescence / luminescence assays in GPCR / ion channel drug discovery field.

10. Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Liver Fat Accumulation ... - PLOS

  • ... Michiaki Mishima, Kazuo Chin [ view less ]. Yoshiro Toyama. Affiliation ... 2015; Published: June 15, 2015. Copyright: © 2015 Toyama et al. This is an ...

  • Rationale Associations between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and liver fat accumulation have been frequently investigated because both morbidities are common. Visceral fat was reported to be closely related to OSA and liver fat accumulation. Recently, sex differences in the association between OSA and mortality have gained much attention. Objectives To investigate the associations among OSA, liver fat accumulation as determined by computed tomography, and visceral fat area and their sex differences. Methods Studied were 188 males and 62 females who consecutively underwent polysomnography and computed tomography. Results Although the apnea-hypopnea index was positively correlated with liver fat accumulation in the total males, none of the OSA-related factors was independently associated with liver fat accumulation in either the total male or female participants in the multivariate analyses. When performing subanalyses using a specific definition for Japanese of obesity or visceral obesity (body mass index (BMI) ≥25 kg/m2 or visceral fat area ≥100 cm2), in only males without visceral obesity, percent sleep time with oxygen saturation <90%, in addition to BMI, insulin resistance, and serum triglyceride values, was independently correlated with liver fat accumulation (R2 = 15.1%, P<0.001). In males, percent sleep time of oxygen saturation <90% was also a determining factor for alanine aminotransferase values regardless of visceral fat area. In contrast, OSA was not associat...

11. Vol.93 No.6 / The Chiba Medical Society -Chiba Medical Journal-

  • ... age, disease stage, and joint congruency at the ... Yasunaga et al.reported 2 factors associated with radiographic OA progression: age ... J Bone Joint Surg Am 2015 ...

  • Masahiko Sugano1), Junichi Nakamura1), Takayuki Nakajima2), Yoshitada Harada3), Toru Akita4), Shigeo Hagiwara1), Takeshi Miyasaka3), Sumihisa Orita1), Yasushi Wako1), Michiaki Miura1), Yuya Kawarai1), Kento Nawata1) and Seiji Ohtori1)

12. Reno-protective effects of oral alkalizing agents in chronic kidney ...

  • Apr 22, 2020 · The used variables for the stratification will be age (i.e. ... Correspondence to Michiaki Abe. Ethics declarations. Ethics approval ...

  • Aciduria caused by urinary excretion of acidic metabolic wastes produced in daily life is known to be augmented in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). To evaluate the reno-protective effect of oral alkalizing agents for the improvement of metabolic acidosis and neutralization of intratubular pH in the patients with mild stages of CKD. Also, to identify reno-protective surrogate markers in the serum and urine that can closely associate the effect of urine alkalization. In this single-centered, open-labeled, randomized cohort study, patients with CKD stages G2, G3a and G3b, who visited and were treated at Tohoku University Hospital during the enrollment period were registered. We administered sodium bicarbonate or sodium-potassium citrate as the oral alkalinizing agents. A total of 150 patients with CKD will be randomly allocated into the following three groups: sodium bicarbonate, sodium-potassium citrate and standard therapy group without any alkalinizing agents. The data of performance status, venous blood test, spot urine test, venous blood-gas test, electrocardiogram, renal arterial ultrasonography and chest X-ray will be collected at 0, 6, 12 and 24 weeks (short-term study) from starting the interventions. These data will be also collected at 1 and 2 years (long-term study). The samples of plasma and serum and early-morning urine at every visit will be acquired for the analysis of renal function and surrogate uremic biomarkers. The recruitment for this cohort stud...

Michiaki Yamasaki Age 2015 (2025)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.